![]() MMBI KSC RAS, 2013. – 164 p. (in English) Monograph dedicated to scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities of the classic of marine biology Deriugin Konstantin Mikhailovich (1878-1938). The results of his studies of the Arctic and Pacific oceans, the Kola Bay and Lake Mogilnoye are given. The paper discusses the relationship of advective - convective processes and seasonal dynamics of the life cycles of plankton, benthos and nekton. The challenges to be studied of science and education in the co-called "Deryugin’s period" (1920–1937) and in the following years at the scientific institutions of the North and the Far East. The book is intended for general readers are interested in the history of Ocean development and scientists are involved with problems of identifying the trends of interaction between ocean, atmosphere and biosphere. |
![]() Apatity: published by KSC, 2013. – 294 p. ISBN 978-5-91137-225-5 (in English) The modern data of the species composition of birds, abundance, distributive characteristics and ecology of the Barents, the White, the Black and the Azov seas based on long-term field and laboratory studies are given. The paper describes and analyzes the seasonal and long-term changes on the avifauna of the open water areas of the northern and the southern seas of Russia. A comprehensive assessment of the avifauna in traditional nesting and wintering areas on the Murman coast and in the southern part of the Sea of Azov was carried out, its dependence from the climatic conditions, availability of food objects and anthropogenic effect is shown. The basic features of the phenomenon of "synanthropization" of seabirds have been analyzed by the example of herring gulls of Murmansk. The results of ecological and parasitological researches of seabirds in the Barents and the Kara Sea of Azov were presented. The paper determines the degree of negative impact of helminthes on the body of birds and the role of avi-vector in the spread of terrestrial arthropods on the coast of the Black and the Azov seas. Fundamental principles for monitoring of the marine avifauna were worked out. |
![]() Materials include articles: six phases of German polar researches. The essay is focused on marine biology, the main directions of researching the marine ecosystem of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute in the Arctic; The polar and marine researches in the Arctic carried out by the Alfred Wegener Institute; Taking into account secular dynamics of climate in the Barents Sea during the planning of maritime activities; Researches of phytoplankton in the Laptev Sea: history and contemporaneity; Features of sedimentological researches in the Arctic; Effect of lighting and temperature on the Barents sea macroalgae; Main directions of seabirds research of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS in the Northern seas of the European part of Russia; Diversity and structure of fish fauna of the northern seas of Russia; Joint MMBI KSC RAS and NODC NOAA approach to oceanographic and hydrobiological database organization for the Arctic and the Southern seas of Russia; Avi - propagation vector of soil animals on the polar islands: an overview; Contemporary researches of zooplankton in the Barents Sea; Researches of king crab in the coastal zone of the Barents Sea; Preliminary results of contemporary monitoring zoobenthos at the Kola Transect in the Barents sea. |
![]() MMBI KSC RAS, 2013 - Apatity. KSC RAS, - 210 p. ISBN 978-5-91137-245-3 In the first part of the monograph the data of environment impact on the state host defense have been presented. There were the new sensitive express biotests used so that bioindication pollution of environment, determine the power of their toxic effects on human health, researches of influence limiting eсofaсtors. Functional definition of the anatomical and physiological barrier, cytochemical blood composition can be used as an indicator of changes in resistance of the organism. This allows us to recommend to include of the investigated criterions in the individual "health passport" and to use it in the integrated characteristic of functional state of the organism. The incontestable value of the second part of the monograph is considerable practical importance. On basis of histological analysis have been found out plenty of paramorphia of the structure of the internal organs of juvenile cod, including hypertrophy of the swim bladder and the appearance of newgrowths, overflow and damage of intestinal epithelial lining of bowel, etc. The causes deformations of notochord were marked among the significant part of the juveniles, that cultivated in different Nordic countries. The recommendations to improve the survival of cultured juveniles have been made in the monograph. The necessity condition for the purpose of the successful cultivation of juvenile cod (it appears that also and for other species of marine fish) is carry out the histological examination as to all stages of development that to optimize the living conditions and thereby to increase the survival of fish in the early stages of development and therefore to increase the volume of commercial farming of cod. The book is intended for scientists in sphere of ecology, and ichthyology,specialists of environmental protection and fisheries management organizations. Materials of research and analysis can be used to develop of biotechnology of reproduction of some species of marine fish by the industrial organizations. |
![]() MMBI KSC RAS, 2013 – 200 p. The collected works contain the materials of 31st conference of young scientists dedicated to the 135th anniversary of an outstanding zoologist and hydrobiologist, facilitator of hydrobiological researches in the seas of the USSR, research institutes and stations Deriugin K.M. At the conference took part young scientists and postgraduate students of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute KSC RAS, Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS), Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), students and postgraduates of the Murmansk State Technical University. The results of the expeditionary and experimental researches in North Atlantic and Western sector of the Russian Arctic are given. The subject of reports embraces a wide range of oceanographic, hydro-biological and ecological challenges. |
![]() MMBI KSC RAS, 2012. - 189 p. The collection contains the research papers based on the winners’ reports of the best paper among the participants of the 12th International student and postgraduate conference "Problems in the Arctic region." The publication includes the results of scientific student researches of from different universities of the Murmansk region and Russia, including the main departments of Kola Science Centre. The subject of the reports consists of researches related to biological, medical, environmental challenges, physical, technical problems, economic and social problems in the Arctic region. |
![]() Murmansk: MMBI KSC RAS, 2012, 2012. – 89 p. The collection contains theses of the 13th International scientific student and postgraduate student conference "Problems in the Arctic region." The publication consists of the results of scientific student’s work from different universities and the branches, including the main departments of Kola Science Centre. The subject of the reports consists of researches related to biological, medical, environmental challenges, physical, chemistry and technical problems, economic and social problems in the Arctic region. |
![]() MMBI. - Rostov-on-Don: Publ. SSC RAS, 2013. – 112 p. - ISBN 978-5-4358-0073-9 A brief overview of the literature dedicated to the peculiarities of the biology and ecology-geographical characteristics of white bear are given. The results of observations of white bears and the prey objects along the Northern Sea Route carried out on board of the nuclear and diesel icebreakers in the Barents and the Kara seas in the period 1997-2013 are shown. The methods of data collection and processing are described. The data on long-term population dynamics, biotopical’s association to different types of ice, direction of the seasonal females’ migrations of with infants and single adult animals, as well as the dependence from the cyclical climate changes are given. The papers present the measures to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the populations of this protected species. |
![]() NOAA Atlas NESDIS 68, U.S.Gov. Printing, Wash., D.C., 250 p. DVD Disc Atlas assembles the Large Marine Ecosystems of the Arctic seas in the Eastern Hemisphere (the Barents Sea (including the White sea)), the Kara sea, the Laptev sea, the East Siberian sea, the Chukchi sea), the western and eastern part of the Bering Sea and the Large Marine Ecosystems of the Black (including the Sea of Azov) and the Caspian Sea. The atlas includes primary oceanographic data covering the period from 1878 to 2013 (DVD and website http://www.nodc.noaa.gov). Besides the primary oceanographic data the atlas includes the results of data processing. To identify the climatic variability of hydrological processes in the Arctic and in the southern region, seasonal climate maps construction of the vertical distribution of temperature and salinity for key hydrological sections of the Barents, Black, the Caspian and Azov seas, as well as time-series anomalies of temperature and salinity water for each month of each year or a specific period. The first presentation of long-term data on the ice regime of the Barents Sea and the fisheries maps, information about the long-term variability of the ice regime of the Barents, the Caspian and Azov seas was given in the Atlas. |
![]() MMBI KSC RAS, 2013. – 32 p. The brochure presents the original and literature data about the influence on people of complex high-latitude geophysical factors (change of polar day and night, low average annual temperature, high frequency of magnetic storms, etc.) and industrial pollutants in the High North. The possibility of expanding the range of tolerance of human, increase the people’s immunity to the effects of the factors by using algae – macrophytes are suggested. |